An Evening with Raven Spirit Dance Niizh Niimiwinan, Two Dances Work-In-Progress Studio Sharing Indigi-Dance On Screen

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Raven Grenier

Feb 19—25

Indigi-Dance On Screen
On-demand video

Spanonchnonga is an analysis and approach to mental health diagnoses through a non-western lens. Specifically, with the artistic director's personal experience with schizophrenia and seeing and hearing supernatural beings, and being accompanied by voices through the cultural relevancies of her Gitxsan roots. It is also a theoretical response to Alica Elliot's A Mind Spread Out On the Ground in the spoken words elements and soundscape. Through digital design, lighting and special effects, dance, and sound, experience the experience of being taken over and transported to Spanochnonga, a place where monsters used to go that were once nochnochs until they were summoned.

film director @kiradoxtator

videographer, colourist @eric_david_etcetera

creative producer, editor Andrew Grenier

artistic director, choreographer, formline design @ravengrenier

sound design Ted Hamilton, @scopesaga

sound mentorship @edziumusic

Indigenous attire @coastalbeadcollective

nails @waaynexwi7dayspa

make up artist @samkronstal

dramturges Charles Koroneho, Margaret Grenier

collaborating interpreters @atamiradancecompany

producers @formvancouver, Dancers of Damelahamid

co-commissioning partner @thedancecentrebc

Raven Grenier is an emerging dancer, singer and visual artist in formline design. She is also a 4th year Indigenous studies studying at ubc and artistic and administrative assistant for Dancers of Damelahamid. Both Raven and film director Kira Doxtator are young Indigenous women.

Lindsay Delaronde